Well folks, I have decided on a New Years Resolution. It's a big one. Probably too big. But whatever-- go big or go home, right?!?
And the resolution is... (drumroll, please):
I, aeb, vow to be less frivilous in spending. Specifically: buying clothes.
Now, I am not going to say I am not going to buy any clothes this year. That would NEVER work. I did think of that idea for about a second before I decided it was completely ridiculous. So I've decided to give myself some guidelines to follow so that I can actually succeed in my attempt to be less of a "shopaholic", if you will.
Ground rules:
1) You may only go shopping ONCE a month.
2) If you do choose to go shopping in a given month, you MUST buy any and all items on SALE.
3) Wedding atire (i.e. bridesmaids dresses/shoes) are an exception.
4) Thrift store finds are allowed.
That's it. Simple. Right? Hmmm... we shall see.
In short, I've got WAY too many clothes. My clothes are all beautiful and I have enough j.crew to last me a lifetime. I want to see if I can stick to this resolution for the sake of self control as well as the sake of my bank account. I hope that by writing this down it becomes more real than if I just said it in my head. Because I've gone and announced it to the world I MUST NOT fail. Wish me luck!!!

does freeport count as ALL on sale since its outlets? hmmm think about it.
I think that counts.
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