
Friday, March 19, 2010

I LOVE the Booksmith.

Brookline Booksmith.
I love.

I was just wandering around Coolidge Corner today soaking in the 70 degree weather and of course I wandered into Brookline Booksmith. And I couldn't help but think to myself, as I do every time I go inside: What an absolutely AMAZING bookstore. I love it. It has such a wonderful feel, like a old worn in pair of jeans. Well fitted, comfortable, and classic. I love the rows of wooden bookshelves with the old rolling ladder. I love the used bookshop in the basement. And I love all the knick-knacks and notecards throughout the store.

It's here where I get the gorgeous and inspiring Positively Green Cards and also today where I found these great folk and flora correspondance notecards by Repro Depot. So fun! I couldn't help but buy the notecards in hopes that I will start up letter writing again. Because really, who doesn't like getting an old fashioned letter in the mail? It's the simple things that are the best things.


Peggy Burns said...

i am friends with repro depot. like honest to god real friends went on vacation with them last summer friends.

Anna {dear friend} said...

AWESOME! Love their stuff!